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Are Press Fittings a Cleaner Method of Joining Pipe?

Written by Viega | Feb 9, 2021 8:00:00 PM

A neater jobsite is a safer and more productive jobsite.

“Neat” is a relative term, of course. No one expects a jobsite to be spic-and-span. Whether the job is plumbing, HVAC, wiring, carpentry, drywalling or a combination, it’s going to kick up some dust.

Instead, a neat jobsite is one that’s well-organized and free of unnecessary equipment and materials, as well as hazards. It should allow contractors to work and move safely and easily without interfering with each other or endangering themselves or the property.

A lot goes into creating and maintaining a neat jobsite, including the choice of method and equipment. This is particularly true when it comes to pipe fitting.

When we talk about the advantages of pressing pipe, we emphasize its speed, efficiency and reliability, but it also contributes to a neater jobsite. Pressing pipe requires only the pipe, the fittings and a press tool (plus the items needed for every method like a cutter and prep tools).

By contrast, soldering requires a torch, solder and flux. And using a torch has its own safety requirements: fire cloth, spray bottle and fire extinguisher. In addition, working with flame often requires a fire watch, which further crowds the work area.

Appearances matter, too. A well-soldered joint looks good, but even the best craftsman can slip up, leaving solder on the pipes and detracting from the overall appearance. Of course, a press fitting always looks clean, regardless of who presses it.

Threading on the jobsite means a bulky threading machine which requires a power source, often a generator. The cutting oil and pipe shavings add to the clutter and pose their own safety hazards. Threading also requires contractors to shuttle back and forth between the threader and the installation, which wastes time and creates risks.

A contractor who’s pressing pipe doesn’t create safety hazards or require additional equipment. He or she can stay with the job and out of the way of others. So it’s really quite simple — pressing makes the jobsite neater and safer.